Can a Trep own a business they aren’t certified in? With Halvor Halverson
Guests: Halvor Halverson
Hosts: Sarah & Russell Mann
Recording Date: 2021/06/01
Title: Can a Trep own a business they aren’t certified in? With Halvor Halverson
We talk with Halvor Halverson, who at 21 years old owned a dental office, and he isn’t a dentist. Can you be qualified even if you’re not certified? We explore how Treps can save the world without necessarily taking a detour through college or other certification barriers. As a bonus, we talk about the importance of validating your startup idea.
We start by following up with Daniel Nelmar of VR Trend Magazine from Episode 1 to see how he’s coming along.
Halvor Halverson
Founder, Octofox Creative